Well the Government is at it again. There is an army Camp at Waterbeach in Cambridgeshire. It employs around 150 local people at the moment. Soldiers returning from any of their many operations could return to a nice environment with Cambridge for entertainment and shopping.
The Village of Waterbeach is a very Family friendly place to bring up Children.
The Government in their wisdom is closing this place down and sending every one to a remote part of Scotland.
This is to make sure they are far enough away so that their complaints won't be heard.
What will the government have a private firm do?
Build a housing estate.
But they won't have any jobs for the people that live in the houses.
Bankers still taking large Bonuses, and Politicians still feathering their nests on the back of the public purse, there will be no way we can carry on. Cameron and his cohorts are managing to suck the lifeblood of the country at a rate not seen since Maggie (the Grim reaper) Thatcher
Old Mates
This month I found out that two of my old army mates had died. That makes 4 this year all around the same age and all with the same type of cancer.
They were all in their early 60s, which is not all that old. It is very sad to lose old friends and it also draws attention to our own mortality.
Those of us that served together in the 60s were what this government calls baby boomers. We are the ones they want to make fun of and tell everyone that we are the fat cats who never had it so good.
All the present politicians are the ones that never had it so good.
Our taxes paid for their free University education.
While they wasted their youth on parties we were either working or serving our country in some of the most horrible conditions imaginable.
Cameron now tells us that the changes to pensions are fair. He says that public service pensions are now better than private ones.
Well Mr Cameron:
Some years back there were people all over the media,
Politicians of Maggie loving parties,Rich self made men all taking the micky out of teachers, policemen, and other state workers because they didn't have the extra money to put into private pensions.
They reckoned that people on private pensions wold all retire as Millionares.
After various raids on Pension funds by succesive Governments, Bosses robbing pension funds, Bankers Taking large Bonuses after making their own fortune from over selling mortages and othe richmens scandals, suprise suprise there is nothing left in the kitty for private pensions.
Theres nothing left for Government pensions either.
The money from the sale of council houses spent.
The money from the sale of public sevice housing spent
The money from Northsea Oil spent
The money from the sale of Gas, Spent
The money from Electricity,Spent
The money from Water,Spent
The money from Coal, Spent
The money fromSteel Spent.
The money from the Railways Spent
Most of it spent well before Labour got to Power but Labour seems to have Thrown away the rest.
The frightening thing is that Cameron is already looking for other things to sell off so that he can become Maggies little clone.
Wake up every one the vultures are on the move again
I read an assortment of daily newspapers ranging from the Times to the Sun. I have noticed a lot of nonsence being chugged out in nearly all of them over the last few months about us so called End of WW11 baby boomers.
Apparently we are the ones that have had only the best and all other age groups have had it worse than us pampered baby boomers. Well lest just see if they are right and pick out a few points the complaining generation of thirty and forty something seem to brush past quickly when giving out their statements.
1) Those of us born in 1945 were still under rationing for the first ten years of our lives.
2) Many of us with parents that had medical problems (Some as a result of war wounds) did not have many luxuries and had to live with the shame of free meals and handouts that still kept you on the poverty line.
3) The National Health Service did not really start until the late forties.
4) When we started work in the late 50s early 60s it was still common to work 45hrs as a standard week. Overtime when it came was rarely paid at multiple rates. The building trade probably paid the best rates but the conditions were basic to say the least.
5) We paid tax and national insurance even on the bare minimum wage. I then worked until 65 paying the same taxes and insurance rates. In short approximately 30% of my wages in all that time was paid to the tax man. Not to mention all the taxes paid on the goods I purchased. Before VAT we had Purchase Tax. Now that I am retired I pay tax and insurance on my meagre Pensions.
6) In the early 60s there was no family allowance for the first child, although you did get a free pint of milk but Maggie Thatcher took that off us later. (That evil woman will get her own blog some time in the future.)
7) Most of the benefits that the present generations enjoy now were won from hard union pressure and putting up with threats from Bosses, lock outs etc. Our dear Maggie started to eat at the hard won concessions won over the generations and it has got to a point now where the rich are slowly getting their own way and using the poor working people as door mats.
The Rich mans press tells us that we should be grateful to take the scraps they hand us. After all there are millions of East Europeans waiting to work for nothing. And if that fails they can take the work to India and Malaysia etc.
You may think that I am a left wing radical. I can assure you I am not. I find the antics of some of the unions over the years as farcical and in some cases even criminal.
But I have been around for a while and I notice the manipulation that goes on such as the manipulation that is now being used to vilify the Baby boomers so that the general public will willingly allow cuts in pensions.
Is my idea of Manipulation true?
Just think about what has happened so far without too much argument because the Government (Labour and Tory) manipulated the press so that it was all accepted by the general public.
You will now have to work longer for your pension.
The idea of pension reform should have been to bring a workingman’s retirement age down to 60 to be on a par with the women. But successful manipulation of the press allowed them to claw a few extra years out of the working classes and put the womens retirement age up to 65.
The taxes I have paid over the years, have been squandered by successive Governments.
The idle rich have got richer off our efforts and payments and now that the chickens have started to come home to roost they still want us to pay for it.
Bankers will take Millions in bonuses without the slightest bit of embarrassment. Industrialists will cut and run as soon as the bribe to do so is big enough. All of the Top 20% of rich people have 2nd and 3rd homes in other countries where they can escape to when their guilt catches up with them.
They then send letters to newspapers saying how greedy the grasping workingman has become.
Come on people wake up before its too late.